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The days melted my brain tissue. The hallucengens make her think that it's 70 years ago. It's not. Really it's present day. Can't you think of cure for her? She's violent. There are times when she is lucid. She can be very persausive.
Then suddenly she'll try and kill you. It's something she claims she learned in Nazi Germany. She's so insane that she claims to be Hitler. There is nothing but crazy costumes and stolen artifacts from musuems in her possesion.
Mostly I fear that she is sick again.
That makes me wonder, since I was there with her sometimes if we will all be caught!
We talk in circles jibberish,fearing, taking drugs any kind of drugs.
I think she's proud of it. Her sickness is so,- well it's obvious. I don't know what to do. When she gets like this it's really a bad thing.
Where is now? That's the kind of thing that I'm forced to worry about. Oh, now for the moment we may experience some small relief. It's always so difficult. She wants to go back to war zones.
The United States of America never wanted to go to Vietnam, yet we are forced to salute it like it was some kind of heroic thing.
How could it have been anything but unjust? Why did they go? To steal? To loot temples?
Why did they kill doctors?
Doctors are good sign of a stabile society.
Now, they're back. They went to Africa. They had to have gone. It's the same sick story over there now.
The Aparthied.
They did. The war criminals.
Well, what's it like to be in the house with one?
To hear them tell you all their NIGHTMARES?
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Why she'd do that? The man looked into the line of sallow faces and spit directly into a peanut butter sandwich.
Cancer's free.
The rest of food was either dropped on the floor or just kicked around until all the dirt from the floor settled on top of cheap plastic garbage bags.
There's plenty of dog food here. Send them through.This food has one last chance to be used before we throw it out.
A ciggarette dangled from the mouth of the old woman. Arsenic is odorless.
The world would be better without the worthless beggers.
The cumulative effects of your hatred for people can manifest itself in abberations. Passing and spreading diseases is homocidal.
Nazi germany was like that. Everyone took numbers. They waited for rations. The story we keep getting from the war criminals is the same one that's in the history books.
Now they're killing again. Spraying aersols into the atmosphere and destroying the Ozone. Attacking people with spy cigarettes and large doses of Nicotine a known poison.
How'd they get so wealthy?
How can they deal with so many different subjects, sexual abuse, drugs, wars, media supression. Where is our constitution on this matter.
What's it like to live with one.
How's it feel to eat thier food.
Problem is the war criminals took everything to hide. Power.They thrive on power.
The world to them is nothing but a place to exhibit their abberations. They don't even go through generation.
They're locked up inside without a key for salvation.
They are alive!
Plauged and riddled with Drugs.
They put the IN next to sane.
Well at least they have good jobs.
How can they have good jobs. They just take the job.
They learned alot of things in the war.
The suppressed information that is missing from the history books is where they live.
They want to talk about it now!
Anything you do in this life will haunt you. You can't go to another country with the attitude that your going to pillage.
They live on newslines and broadcast to us everyday.
That's how they communicate through journalism.
It's very hard to believe that they still think about issues that happened over 80 years ago.
Vietnam;SouthAfrica,are related. They took their tragic NIGHTMARE to India to keep from eating people!!
Well, they've got children. So they must be normal kind of.
Or what? I don't know. Things are getting so horriable.
Oh. They even have the explaination for Anne Franc. I mean who would even be talking about this woman. She never did die in an attic, the camps were like shelters at first for the homeless. Thats what they do, things for the homeless.
The war criminals were NAZI AMERICANS. They were'nt German at all. You can look at the different cars they say even Rolls Royce was stolen and brought back that's why their hand made. For you to remember.
So all that's left is to identify them and send them to trail. That should be ....
OH, my time is up.
Well it's lunch time. They took control of feeding the poor.In doing so my faith in food is shaken for real!
How virtual. God I'm so , well.(looking around) I don't know. I know that if you lay down dogs you'll their food one day.
How could have done the Aparthied!The problem is that they have so much historical property. It's all related to the war and it intensifies their demensia. Hiding for instance, behind all these costumes and faces. It's errie. Now lets check their credentials. Whoops! I see. Well they have always said that it's crazy at the top. We still have a chance. Voting. Now that the system I think they went for.
Voting. Lawyers. That kind of thing. The United States Constitution provides inalienable rights.
So it mostly flag waving and reading.
That's it. I don't think they could accomplish anything if they did'nt travel in circles with foreign products like South African.
They could never get it going in the American system.
I think that they were foreigners like everyone in Egypt.
They asked for naturalization or stole it by freaking in some larcenous aspect of the military that did'nt condone them or want them to be in Vietnam. It sounds strange but maybe they just stowed away. Maybe they were really intellegent and they got taken away from their native land which is not American. So in a pinch they would'nt be that orientated in a foriegn country being from one themselves.
The confusion and hatred of the early sixties may have been their fault too.
So what kind of good things did they do?
I can't believe the history books when it comes to their part of it. They are in National Holiday format. They talked about the Watts Riots. The Civil Rights Movements.
All this dander is supposed to make us pay homage to them.
Why would I pay homage to a war criminal. It's on the calander for one thing.
Ok. If meeting these nuts means turning them in, I find that to be a NIGHTMARE.
Look around you. How many people around you are tri lingual. That's the kind of atmosphere the War Criminal thrives in. Their native language was not English. I'm saying that they were white. So it's not the same old story. Is it? I don't think that loyality to the United States could be done by drug addicts. The system. social security. Certain banking laws. Mailing. The key to their sickness lies in their knowledge of these things.
They may be wealthy.
The spoils of war.
Are they black? Well with makeup who could tell?
So they turn themselves in. Give up these really wealthy jobs and positions. And say bye bye now. Sure that's it.
Well I'm glad I solved the thing.
Now what's for lunch?
I can't find anybody that , well, it's........ a NIGHTMARE!
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