Amulet felt the sensation of wetness all around him. His ears flooded with fluid and his eye's felt cold and burned with a sting of strong salt.His throat felt as if it were on fire! Amulet's limbs felt heavy as he floated in and out of cognegtivity.
One moment the flood of flourescent lighting wisked over his head, an ambu bag pumped oxygen into his lungs. The very next moment he was in the deepest part of the sea. The waves crested and broke white as they continued to hit him in the chest. Amulet felt himself being drawn back. The sky darkened as a wall of sea water rose behind him!
The draw of the dark waters pulled against his limp body as he helplessly jetted backwards further and further away from the safety of the shore. The beach looked further and further away yet still his shoulders and the back of his head were supported by the water as if he were viewing a cinema. Slowly and curiously the land lights and figures faded into obsururity. Nothing but the sound the deep ocean makes remained! The waters felt endless. No bottom could be sensed as his leg streched outward to find the comfort of the bottom of the sea. It was if this act would nulify the reality of all the deep dark water around him. The pit of his stomach twinged as his great toe strained for the the slightest hint of the bottom. Nothing! Nothing but more water, more open sea!
The stong currents of the Ocean carried Amulet faster, quicker, stonger! His hands now were completely puckered.
Gone was the definition that his fingers used to make with their rounded well manucured endings. Instead only the boney tips of his phalanges could be made out. Instead of rounded they were decidely pointed,- the skin puckered, adheared to it the way a skeleton's hand in the back of a chemistry lab looks. His skin soaked in the Ocean with an intensity. He felt the tissue in his feet continue to shrink and the toe of both his feet felt boney and narrow.
The mighty wall of water behind Amulet thundered! The sound was so loud that it quickened his heart rate and stepped up his breathing. A snort of sea water down his windpipe reminded Amulet that he might well drown this dark damp night!
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